Director of Alpha Dining Mark Bragg was first approached with the idea to compile his knowledge and expertise into a cookbook several years ago. “At the time I thought it was a decent idea, but I was afraid if I told all of my secrets than no one would have a need to eat at Alpha anymore,” said Bragg. This new cookbook will feature detailed recipes of all Alpha meals, including favorites like, Rice-Ruined with Tofu, Mystery Mash, and Corn Dogs on a Stick.
It’s no secret that Alpha Dining creates some of the best college meals in the country, which is primarily why Grace College is consistently named to the “Top 100 Colleges in the Midwest”. Bragg, who has been the man behind the spatula for over 15 years isn’t shy about his talent. “People always ask me what it’s like to be a hero on campus, but I’m not sure hero is the right word. I would describe myself as more of a legend. After all, every time we have alumni get together the most talked about experiences of their college career always involves Alpha food.”
Rumor of the planned cookbook has generated a lot of buzz on campus lately. According to senior Paul Robertson, “I’m just finally looking forward to learning what exactly I’ve been putting in my body for the last four years....Actually, on second thought, maybe I don’t want to know.”
Freshman Julienne Swift is also looking forward to the new cookbook. “My boyfriend just lovessssss Alpha food, so I can’t wait to learn how to make all of his fave recipes!”
With the release of the new cookbook, Mark is planning to start a ‘Baking with Braggs’ class. This class will incorporate the essentials of cooking and baking, Alpha-style. Each class member will cook along side Bragg and then be treated to a 5-course meal in the legendary Alumni Room. Cost of the experience will be $25 or 25 Alpha scans.
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