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Andrew in response to seeing his Mom's post. |
A couple weeks ago, Andrew reportedly got the bright idea that it would be hilarious if he changed his birthday to April 1st, just to see how many people would write on his wall. Unfortunately for Andrew, his ploy to receive this undeserved ego boost has completely backfired leaving him with permanent and extremely public humiliation.
One of Andrew’s roommates, Pete Rush, reported that he remembered seeing Andrew wake up earlier than usual on April 1st and immediately checking his Facebook. “Yeah, I knew about Andrew’s little ‘joke’ he had going,” said Rush when asked about that morning. “I don’t remember a lot, but I do know he was extra giddy and extra annoying. He got on his computer and I won’t ever forget when out of nowhere he yelled, ‘No, Mom, No!’, just like a little girl.” Apparently what Andrew forgot to take into account was that while many of his friends didn’t know his real birthday, his mother did!
After Andrew’s mom’s first post of the day, which completely foiled his whole sham, the comments rolled in making fun of his plan. In an attempt to correct his blunder, Andrew’s next post claimed that his account had been, “HACKED!! Good one roomies...”. While this did help slow down some of the attacks, the damage had already been done because Veronica (Andrew’s crush who has been way out of his league since they passed each other in the hallway that one time) had already posted on his wall for all to see.
Andrew reluctantly talked to us saying, “Well, this isn’t exactly how I wanted to end my Freshman year. I could see my popularity rising and I thought this would be a good test of just that!”
Andrew plans on being the very first student to transfer out of Grace’s main campus for the Detroit sister school where he will undoubtedly be much more comfortable surrounded by fellow homeschoolers, even if it is just one other student.